
Welcome to our church Community! Our parish is a large family of Christians who live in Waterloo and who wish, bear witness to God, and support people in need. This site tries to draw a lively picture of our community. Our main purpose in listing “services”, “activités” and “événements”  (events), is to help everybody to find his or her own place at the heart of a group of people gathered round its Centre :  the Lord Himself.

To put life into written words has always been a real challenge. Beyond  these  web ( or virtual) pages, there are  living faces. You will find out that our community is made of men and women whose faith and love for the God of Jesus-Christ is very deep. They want to live a Christian life in the human community they have chosen to live in –  recently for some, a longer time ago for others. Thus, they have joined a very active parish, having itself a very  long history.

Thank you, dear  internet browser, for spending  time  with us on this web page !  Your interest is most stimulating to us.