Taking ones children or grandchildren to mass is not necessarily an easy experience … That is why, in our Parish a children’s activity is organized each Sunday morning during the 10H30 mass. A small team of parents takes turns to adapt the Gospel so that children may relate to its rich spiritual meaning. Please note that this activity is not run during the special family masses (‘Messe des Familles ‘) which cater for the whole family.
How does this work ? Children are invited to leave the congregation just before the “Gloria” with their own age group. Those who have not yet made their first communion (ages 3 to 7) will be introduced to the Gospel through storytelling, drawing, mime, handy work… Older children (from 8 onwards ) will have God’s word explained to them at their level and then asked to write one or two prayers, to be shared with the congregation.
After the consecration, the younger children bring what they have made to the altar and form a circle round the priest to say “The Lord’s Prayer” all together.
For more information, please contact Anne Chattaway (tel . 0479 61 15 32) or the Parish information office
Each first Sunday of the month we have a special celebration for children and their families : la Messe des Familles (Family Mass).