What do we do during catechism (« Caté »)?
Various supports and activities are used to build the children’s awareness and interest. This might be working on a biblical text, drawing out its deeper meaning through creative activities (biblical games, illustrations, mime, handy work) ; or watching a film extract to stimulate reflections; or again engaging with a person invited to bear testimony to their faith. They are regularly invited to link their faith and their daily life. They also meet up monthly with other friends in Christ during the ‘Family Masses’. Last but not least, we break up the routine with treasure hunts, pancakes parties, or going on bike rides: a real help for teambuilding.
At each meeting, we take time to pray together (the older children pray the psalms) and we explain The Lord’s prayer.
After the children first profess their faith, during the Easter Vigil, they end their programme by a retreat: one week-end at Chimay’s Abbey youth farm. Being close to the monks and to their place of prayer, enjoying the forest’s surrounding poetry, are ideal ways to stimulate body and soul to become more receptive to the Holy Spirit. Besides, preparing meals together, living as a community in a scout camp style contribute a lot to (re)discovering the fraternal dimension of our Christian Faith.
Where and when ?
Catechism meetings start at the beginning of October. They take place every two weeks (except during school holidays) on the parish premises (Avenue Reine Astrid , 11)
Preparations for First Communion take place on Wednesdays, from 2 to 3.30 PM. Preparations for Confirmation take place on Saturdays from 9 to 11 AM